Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A smooth non-criminal.

Actually a non-smooth graduate student is much more accurate. My day in a slightly-wordy nutshell:

1. I was late to class. Not exorbitantly late, but late enough (again) to blush as I had to walk in during a lecture and cut in front of the professor to take my seat. I can’t help it...I have such a hard time falling asleep and the only time I seem to feel rested is in the morning when I need to get up to be somewhere. Lately, the joy that comes from relishing in that feeling outweighs the embarrassment of being tardy.

2. Apparently I forgot to turn my phone to silent, and mid-lecture the entire class was treated to a purse-muffled Depeche Mode as I embarrassingly tried to silence my phone. I rarely get calls during the day to begin with, and even if I do get a call, the signal almost never makes it through to the basement at Dominican. Strike 2 for me and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet =(

3. My 7-Up randomly exploded on me in the computer lab. I know there are signs everywhere that say “No food or drink in the computer lab.” I just assume these are intended for, well, people other than me as I tend to be fairly neat and loathe sticky things. At some point I must have angered the soda gods because all I remember is taking my 7-Up out of my bag (which had been sitting on the floor for well over 3 hours by this point), opening it up, and suddenly having a geyser on my lap. I did manage to successfully aim it at myself and therefore none got on the computer – but that did mean that I ended up with a half of a bottle of pop on me. *sigh*

4. I left my jump drive in the computer at school and didn’t even notice that I had forgotten it. Thankfully a fellow student, who was more aware of his surroundings than I, noticed it after I had left and grabbed it for me.

I guess it's just one of those days where though nothing major goes wrong, there are are ton of little things that leave you shaking your head out of morbid amusement as you wonder "What next?". Is this just a 'today' thing due the the unseasonably chilly, drearyness...or was it just me?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hypocrisy of my mind.

I was probably the first to identify myself as a hypocrite in relation to some aspects of my life, and most likely I will be the last too as I mutter it on my deathbed in 65 years or so. Somehow as I’ve aged I seem to have forgotten how to be content, though it’s very possible that this was something I never figured out to begin with.

For example, I absolutely loathe being bored and am plagued by discontent if my mind is not actively engaged in something – school work, lesson planning, vacation planning, walking the dog, reading, researching, watching television/movies, talking with friends, packing, cleaning – SOMETHING. However, as soon as I have a list of things I need to do, I suddenly dig my heels into the ground and come to a complete halt. For the love of (insert name of your chosen deity), why do I do this!? I’m intelligent enough to know how counter-productive this is...yet here I am. I can at least justify the creating of this entry by saying that it is adding some girth to my blog, but in all honesty, I’m avoiding other things that need to be done that are probably of greater importance.

Have I gotten so used to being completely consumed in those things that my job, school, or others tell me I must complete that I have forgotten how to take advantage of those moments, however small, that I have the freedom to self-direct and find happiness?

Does anyone else seem to have this issue or is this one of those me-specific conditions?

So now I have a blog. Modern form of organized chaos?

I've never considered myself a highly organized person, despite my incessant need to plan out everything -this blog included. I’m one of those people who is always thinking about something, whether it is something of great value of not is subjectively dependent on whomever is unfortunate enough to be within a respectful listening radius. The initial creation of this is in response to an assignment for a class dealing with integrating technology in the classroom, and I just don’t have it in me to prepare anything else for the beginning of the next school year. Come August 17th I will be eating, sleeping, and breathing IDS Chemistry, and quite frankly, I just need part of my summer to not be about work. So here I am, writing random musings, for anyone to see, despite my love of anonymity.